Although the cost of hard disk has dropped significantly over the years, you may still find that there is not enough room to store all your files. One of the proble is because there are too many duplicated files in your hard disk.
Dupkiller 0.8.2 can help you to identify and clean those duplications.
The program will find unneeded copies of files in those locations where you even would not consider to search. There is comparison not only by name, last modification date or size. One can compare files by their contents, and what's more, to set what per cent they must match; one can search different-length files, include or exclude files by mask, etc.
In addition, unlike other programs of this sort, DupKiller performs all operations faster and better, because of complicated algorithms of data processing built in the search mechanism of the program.
Website to download - http://www.dupkiller.net/index_en.html
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